Thursday, May 26

3D in Linux Workstation

The VMware Workstation on Linux does support 3D, however certain distributions (including Slack 13.37) does not ship with the S3 - now who remembers that company? - Texture Compression libraries, because of some licensing issues (see This occurs as an error message when running the VM "3D graphics acceleration will be disabled. This computer does not have a 3D graphics system supported by VMware Workstation.". In the VM's vmware.log file, in the same directory as the .vmx You should find some lines like "mks| VMGL: Extension missing, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc", and "mks| GLManager: Required extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc is missing." and "mks| msg.glBackend.initFailed] 3D graphics acceleration will be disabled. This computer does not have a 3D graphics  system supported by VMware Workstation.". This means exactly as stated, You miss a .so file from You /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 respectively. You should just simply download the libtxc from the site above (direct link is, compile and place the .so in Your libs dir. That's all, next run, Windows 7 should enable Aero effects in Workstation on Linux!

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent hint - very helpful. If you're on Fedora, simply use:

    yum install libtxc -y

